Doge is God

About Stop Doge Hate

Our Organization

I say "our," but really it is mostly just me (I go by PeterPorker3 online). The purpose of this site and the associated services is to pay tribute to the Doge meme. Whether you like it or not, this is my favorite meme, and deserves to be preserved for future internet users to enjoy.

StopDogeHate Logo

Our History

I could not tell you where the idea for the Stop Doge Hate Coalition originally came from, all I know is I needed something for a school project idea and apparently this is what I decided to go with. The project was for a high school digital media class and it was fairly open-ended: just make something creative and record my progress. I was never the creative type, rather I enjoyed programing and electrical engineering type projects; I was only taking the class to fill a period. The idea of building a basic website came to mind, but what for? Searching my mind for random easy ideas yielded this: Stop Doge Hate. With that settled, I purchased the domain on April 5th, 2021 and got to work.

Generic School Clip Art

With that said, we where not required to finish this project, only show progress. So when that school year ended, so did my work on Stop Doge Hate. I do not like leaving projects unfinished, but my life was very busy during that time and I did not really have a choice. Fast forward a year, I found myself having a bit of free time that I used to finish, among other unfinished personal projects, Stop Doge Hate.

Our Future

Considering that I have now completed the goals I made when beginning this project, I will be moving on to more important projects. Updates and changes may be made in the future, but do not expect them to come frequently. As always, feel free to make suggestions in the Discord server, or on this website's GitHub (see below).

Clock Clip Art

Our Contributors and Allies

Our Website

Current Version: RELEASE 11/10/2022

In case you are curious, the goal with this website was to make something simple, fast, and decent-looking. I specifically wanted to avoid JavaScript and development frameworks, since they are completely unnecessary for such a simple site and would just make it slower.

While I do hold some certifications in HTML5 development, I do not claim to be an expert. I am aware this site is not perfect and has a couple known issues (most notably, the lack of proper mobile support), but if you want to follow or contribute to this site's development, please feel free to open an issue or pull request on my GitHub.

GitHub Logo

 Stop Doge Hate